Going to school is your job as a student, but it may not always be something you find fun and exciting. Fostering a more positive outlook and perspective can help you overcome challenges and make school a more enjoyable experience. It may feel like graduation day will never come, but it will be here before you know it, so make the most of these foundational years.

Here are a few ways to boost your mood when it comes to school:

Learn from your mistakes. A poor test score or grade does not mean you are a failure. There are countless reasons why you may not have performed your best. Think about what you could do differently next time. Could you have spent more time studying? Asked for help? Started on the assignment sooner? Picked a different topic? Learn to be resilient, not let a low grade keep you down, and focus on making positive changes moving forward.

Look for the positives. Instead of zeroing in on what went wrong, look at all of the things that went right. Maybe you didn’t get a perfect score, but you improved your grade from the last test. Maybe you didn’t get the research topic you wanted, but you have the opportunity to learn more about a new subject. Change your perspective and strive to find the silver lining.

Find a reason to smile. Keep a picture of you and your friends in your backpack, or a picture of your dog inside your notebook. Tape a funny or inspirational quote to your binder. Use your favorite pen to take notes. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but find something that makes you happy or brightens your day.

Take a break. Feeling frustrated because you’ve been working on an assignment and still aren’t finished or don’t understand what you’re doing? Stop and step away for a few minutes. Take a breather and get some fresh air or dance to your favorite song. Have a snack and drink water to fuel up your body and mind. Don’t let yourself become too stressed.

Look at the bigger picture. Every class may not be your favorite, but think about why it’s important. How will it help you to get to where you want to be, whether that is taking an advanced level course, being eligible for a certain elective, or getting into a specialized program? What are some real-world applications of what you’re learning? How could it help you in college or the workforce? And remember – you’re only in the class for a finite period of time, so try to make the best of it.

Work through challenges. You don’t have to do everything on your own. Talk to your teacher to get clarification about an assignment or let them know that you don’t understand. Do your homework or study with a friend so you have someone to ask questions, review what you learned in class, or bounce ideas off of. Work with a tutor who can provide one-on-one support for classes or concepts you are struggling with.

Find strategies that work for you and help you to be more successful in school. Crafting Scholars can identify gaps in understanding and design customized learning plans aligned with your strengths, learning style, and individual needs. School can be a more enjoyable experience when you feel confident in your knowledge and abilities. Contact Crafting Scholars today to get started.